The US Department of Agriculture (“USDA“) has published a request for comments on supply chains for the production of agricultural commodities and food products under the America’s Supply Chains Executive Order (“Supply Chain EO“). Issues for comment include processing and distribution, capacity and access issues in food production, and a range of risks that may impact supply chains. The USDA is the fourth agency to issue a request for comments under the Supply Chain EO. Security of food supply chains can be a consideration for foreign investment regimes, and one risk the USDA may consider is the threat to supply chains by foreign ownership.

To read more about this request for comments, and others issued under the Supply Chain EO, see our Global Supply Chain Compliance Blog.


Kerry Contini is a partner in the Firm's International Trade Practice Group in Washington, DC. Kerry focuses her practice on export controls, trade sanctions, and antiboycott laws. This includes advising US and multinational companies on trade compliance programs, risk assessments, licensing, review of proposed transactions, and enforcement matters. Ms. Contini works regularly with companies across a wide range of industries, including the pharmaceutical/medical device, oil and gas, and nuclear sectors.


Maria Piontkovska advises clients on reducing anti-corruption compliance risks stemming from operating business in emerging markets and handles internal investigations and related interactions with law enforcement authorities. Her practice focuses on global corporate compliance and investigations, as well as white collar criminal matters. She represents domestic and international corporate clients in a broad range of compliance matters, including criminal investigations, before the US Department of Justice, the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and other government agencies.